10 '90s horror movies that haven't aged well

10 '90s horror movies that haven't aged well

The 1990s were a turbulent decade for horror moviesWith many films of the era do not adhere to the examination of modern sensibilities. Although perhaps not as highly regarded as previous decades, the greatest 90s horror movies showed what the decade was capable of with clever slashers that deconstructed the genre as scream To exciting intersections of horror and drama like The silence of the lambs. Unfortunately, not every scary movie ages like the masterpieces, as the 90s have repeatedly demonstrated.

There are many things that Can date a movie quite substantially when looked back on through a modern lens. In many cases, it's changing social norms and the constant evolution of pop culture that reflects poorly on films of the past. However, particularly bad special effects or outdated filmmaking practices can be just as destructive to the longevity of a given movie, especially in the horror space, where such aspects are especially important.


Halloween: H20


Although not considered the worst entry in the venerated Halloween franchise, the legacy sequel Halloween: H20 Has only gotten worse over time. Much like 2018 halloween, Halloween: H20 See the return of Michael Myers and Laurie Strode after 20 real-life and in-universe years. Here, it is revealed that the former is actually the latter's long-lost brother, an amazing lore addition that remains controversial, even to this day. Halloween: H20 Got some things right, but has aged particularly cruelly in some key aspects.

Essentially taking the same premise as Halloween: H20 and upgrading it with more thoughtful cinematography, better performances and more creative kills.

The simple fact that 2018's Halloween Now exists renders the movie somewhat outdated. Essentially taking the same premise as Halloween: H20 And upgrading it with more thoughtful cinematography, better performances and more creative kills, 2018s Halloween Almost feels like a patch of its outdated older sibling. This is only compounded by Halloween: H20s infamously bad Michael Myers mask, one of the most important things to get right with the Halloween Franchise.




Release date

November 18, 1990



It's easy to forget that 2017's it was not the first feature-length adaptation of Stephen King's iconic horror novel. As early as 1990, a direct-to-television two-part movie of the same title hit screens in syndication, starring Tim Curry as Pennywise the Dancing Clown. Even if Carrey's performance in the villainous role is iconic, there is no denying that the modern version of events is stronger. For more than a few reasons.

The film was also severely affected by television censorship at the time, which removed iconic scenes such as Pennywise devouring Georgie's arm.

first and foremost, The lean budget of the 1990s it The film is severely limited in depicting Pennywise's deceptive powers of terrorCome off as unintentionally funny as it tried to squeeze terror out of simple balloons. The film was also severely affected by television censorship at the time, which removed iconic scenes such as Pennywise devouring Georgie's arm. With the 2017 version free from such limitations, while with a massively increased production value thanks to the magic of modern cinema, it's hard not to feel like the original it is something more than an interesting artifact.


The Lawn Mower Man


Speaking of Stephen King adaptations, undoubtedly one of the funniest of them all is none other than 1992. The Lawn Mower Man. Very loosely based on a short story of the same name, Stephen King actually sud The Lawn Mower Man In an effort to remove his name from the project, Consider its abysmal quality and dramatic interpretations of the original story. rather, The Lawn Mower Man Basically produce a whole new plot around crazy experiments with elaborate simulations of virtual reality.


The Lawn Mower ManThe special effects have already looked at the time of their release in 1992, and for modern eyes they are somehow worse. Outside of the terrible CGI, the plot itself has some questionable depictions of intellectual disabilities that don't age gracefully.Or. Never considered to be an unambiguous classic, The Lawn Mower Man is even less of a horror movie by today's standards.




Often confused on a surface level with 1988's Creature Feature pumpkin, The similarly Gord-themed Jack-O is not quite as well known. with a suspiciously similar pumpkin-headed monster, Jack-O Tells the story of a terrifying animated scarecrow that rises from a shallow grave to punish the ancestor of the family that executed its creator. The aptly named Jack-O-Lantern proceeds to go on a killing rampage in search of his revenge, though not without a few awkward missteps that are very indicative of the film's era.

Despite its far-out premise, Jack-O Try to offer some ham commentary on the rise of the right-wing American culture war as perpetrated by figures like Rush Limbaugh, hilariously parodied in the film by a TV stand-in referred to as "Rush Gingbaw." But the film has no graceful way of marrying the ambitious statements with the actual horror, as Jack-o-Lantern's rampage happens more-or-less in the background. Today, the film's political themes feel very much a product of its time.


The faculty


One of Elijah Wood's earliest horror movie appearances, The faculty Those who have not seen it since the premiere of the late 90s. Unfortunately, looking back from a modern perspective, There are several areas in which the science fiction mystery thriller fails to withstand the test of time.. The faculty says Ann Escape from the body snatchers-Style story evoking the great B-movies of the 50s, with alien creatures invading an average high school.

It's cast of shallow student stereotypes problematically includes an outcast girl who pretends to be a lesbian, but is in fact secretly straight, something that the movie frames as a relief.

This is because of the high school setting The faculty Age so remarkably badly, catering to behaviors and slang that late '90s teens might have found cool, but seem painfully outdated today. It's cast of shallow student stereotypes problematically includes an outcast girl who pretends to be a lesbian, but is in fact secretly straight, something that the movie frames as a relief. It's not surprising that a horror movie like The faculty It doesn't have the best LGBTQ names, but it's still disappointing.


Tales from the Hood



Rusty Cundif

Release date

May 24, 1995


Darin Scott, Rusty Cundiff


Lamont Bentley, Clarence Williams III, Corbin Bernsen, David Alan Grier, Tom Wright


98 minutes

A horror anthology film with an urban twist, it's easy to guess why Tales from the Hood Faint old of its very title. The film's narrative weaves through a collection of four short horror films as told through the framing device of a trio of drug dealers. Talked to a funeral director they buy from. Some of the segments are stronger than others, but the worst of them represent some disastrous attempts at social commentary that feel out-of-place in the modern age.

Tales from the Hood Mix in very real racist threats like police brutality and terrorist organizations like the KKK with fantastical elements, and create a strange polarization of the film's tone. By modern standards, it seems absurd to attach such serious topics to cruel and fantastical elements like zombies and monsters. This is especially true in a cinematic landscape following the release of go out Which actually managed to perfect this balancing act in a meaningful way.




Of all the mythological creatures and deities to turn into horror movie villains, the humble leprechaun seems like an odd choice. Still, that didn't stop 90s filmmakers from trying, and the legacy of Leprechaun Speaks for itself. The plot concerns an American who attracts the ire of the titular villains after stealing his pot of gold.Resulting in the trapped leprechaun being resurrected to terrorize a family after being trapped for ten years.

Leprechaun Wasn't exactly a critical success upon its release in 1993, and the years since haven't been any kinder to it. From the bad performances to the uncomfortable makeup and cringeworthy attempts at humor, everything Leprechaun Tut is a testament to the laziest filmmaking practices from last year. Still somehow, the film managed to spawn a whole Leprechaun Franchise, with a whopping 8 movies.




In almost every quantifiable aspect, Se7en is a chilling horror-thriller worthy of the conversation for the most disturbing widely released film of all time. Starring Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman as a leading pair of detectives who pursue the perpetrators of a gruesome series of murders themed around the biblical Seven Deadly Sins, Se7en is a triumph of acting skill, tone and visceral discomfort. Unfortunately, the film has aged incredibly poorly for one reason entirely out of his control.


The reveal of Kevin Spacey as the elusive serial killer in the film is a tough pill to swallow with current knowledge. In 2017, several alarming allegations of sexual misconduct surfaced against Spacey, which continued his career.. While Spacey was acquitted of all criminal charges, his new reputation put his sex crimes in Se7en Like the deranged John Doe in a disturbing new light.


The Blair Witch Project


One of the most important films to help popularize the found footage horror genre, Occupation The Blair Witch Project Outdated can be a bit sacrilegious. The film was certainly clever with what it was able to achieve with so littleStringing the viewer along with a slow burn of dread as it unfolds the story of a documentary crew searching for an elusive witch. that is, The Blair Witch Project Offers very little payoff for its impressive foundation of tension.

famous, The advertising campaign of The Blair Witch Project Misleads many prospective viewers into thinking the footage is authenticSomething that can be easily disproved with the internet today. It is not unreasonable to assume that the film owes a large part of its success and popularity to the confusion over its authenticity, the idea that the film could be a genuine documentary with its scare factor.


Game Brain Twisters


The Lawn Mower Man was not the only horror film to attempt scares through the digital landscape. Enter brain twisters, A rarely seen conspiratorial sci-fi thriller centered around a mad scientist of a college professor who subjects his students to devious virtual realitiesresulting in deadly violent outbursts. Another early exploration of the digital age through a sufficiently cheesy horror story, Game Brain Twisters Has become a quaint time capsule of a film years later.


It's almost understandable that the crude CGI depicting the film's digital worlds looks absolutely abysmal by today's standards, not even particularly impressive in 1991. As if that wasn't enough, Game Brain Twisters Also goes hard on the exacerbating 90s wardrobe choices, with some eye-popping outfits worn by the college students who look positively foreign to today's fashion trends. One of the most intensely 90s horror movies ever made, Game Brain Twisters Didn't exactly age gracefully.

Source: InFuse Releasing/YouTube