1 Wind And Truth Cosmere Cameo is a great reminder to read this 2023 fantasy book by Brandon Sanderson

1 Wind And Truth Cosmere Cameo is a great reminder to read this 2023 fantasy book by Brandon Sanderson

Includes MASSIVE SPOILERS for The Stormlight Archive through Wind and TruthThe Stormlight Archive book 5, Wind and Truthpresents a Cosmere cameo that serves as a perfect reminder to check out one of Brandon Sanderson's fantasy book releases in 2023. As one of the central narratives of the Cosmere fantasy universe The Stormlight Archive became more integrated with Sanderson's other standalone series and novels with each installment. Wind and Truth is filled with mentions and cameos of Cosmere characters, including the character Ulaam, who was first introduced in Born from the mists.

Wind and Truth the ending shows Hoid (Wit) being vaporized by Retribution, the newly formed combination of Odium and Honor's Shards. Although his body is destroyed, he wakes up soon after in Scadrial, having been regenerated through some technology. Hoid wakes up to see Ulaam, who reveals that they are in his laboratory and that they have planned together a case where Hoid may need to recover his body using a cell culture left behind in the Born from the mists planet.

Ulaam is a prominent character in Tress Of The Emerald Sea

Ulaam is in the Crow's Song Crew in Sanderson's Swordsmanship Adventure

Ulaam may have been first introduced in The Lost Metalbut his main story so far has been in 2023 Emerald Sea Treeone of Brandon Sanderson's Secret Project books. Throughout the novel, the main protagonist, Tress, becomes part of a pirate ship called the Crow's Song. Hoid, who also narrates the story, is part of the ship's crew, although he is under a curse and is not able to be as convincing as he normally is. Because of the curse, Hoid requested that Ulaam come to the planet Lumar, who also joined the ship's crew as its surgeon..

Ulaam is often played for laughs, but he is undoubtedly a worthy character with a broader knowledge of the Cosmere.

Without spoiling too much Emerald Sea Tree narrative, Ulaam is a fantastic supporting character among the vibrant cast that Sanderson brings together. Ulaam is often played for laughs, but he is undoubtedly a worthy character with a broader knowledge of the Cosmere. Overall, it is one of Sanderson's most whimsical and charming tales, and while it may not be as epic or important to the Cosmere as The Stormlight Archiveyet explores facets of Sanderson's fantasy universe that readers will find interesting.

Ulaam is a Kandra from the Mistborn books

Kandra is a shapeshifting species of Scadrial

Well of Ascension cover art showing Vin flying through the air with a Koloss sword

Before Emerald Sea TreeUlam appeared in The Lost Metalwhere he was featured as kandra alongside TenSoon and Melaan. Kandra is a species of Scadrial created by The Lord Ruler who is capable of shapeshifting. Their abilities require their shapeshifting target to be dead so they can utilize their bones to assume their form. Given their shapeshifting, Sanderson joked that the kandra worldhoppers were present in The Stormlight Archiveleading fans to speculate as to who it could be.