1 Wheel of Time Power reveals how the show can easily avoid skipping the next book

1 Wheel of Time Power reveals how the show can easily avoid skipping the next book


  • Traveling could bridge gaps between The Dragon Reborn and The Shadow Rising in Wheel of Time season 3.

  • Introduction of traveling may solve issues with setting and story progression in upcoming episodes.

  • Asmodean could be key in learning edge traveling, setting the stage for season 3 showdown.

One of the many abilities in The Wheel of Time Gives a simple solution to the dilemma above The Dragon Reborn. The third book in Robert Jordan Wheel of Time series, The Dragon Reborn Looks to be the first book where the show will break away from its current format. For seasons 1 and 2, it adapts the corresponding books in the series, The eye of the world And The big dog. Rather than continue the trend and bring the Dragon Reborn to the small screen in Wheel of Time Season 3, the show will jump ahead one book.

book 4 The Shadow Risingis confirmed to be the focus of the next season's story. This is not only clear through official remarks from those involved with the show, but it is also clear from the setup offered by The Wheel of Time Season 2's finale. It's no secret at this point that Rand, Elayne, Ninaeve, and Perrin all get their arcs from The Shadow Rising. But while this holds a lot of promise for the show, it raises an important question about the events of The Dragon RebornEspecially since his ending is vital to Rand el'Thor's story.

Traveling may be the key to bridging the gap between The Dragon Reborn and The Shadow Rising

Setting the end of Dragon Reborn won't be an issue if traveling is in play

Wheel of Time Dragon Reborn cover

The root of the problem when it comes to adapting the most important parts of Rand's next two stories from the source material is the setting. Rand is in the Aiel Wastes in book 4, whereas the ending of The Dragon Reborn - where he climbs Callandor from the Stone of Tear - takes place in a completely different place on the map. The Stone of Tear, a location already confirmed to exist in the show's canon, is nowhere near where it will be in season 3, which will make it difficult for the show to streamline its storylines. However, it can overcome this problem with traveling.

Traveling is one of the many single power weaves that characters like Rand have access to in the books. Introduced as a lost ability that modern channelers typically don't know how to use, traveling is one of the most useful weaves in The Wheel of Time World. After all, traveling is basically a form of teleportation. As for how it works, a channeler creates a gateway, which functions as a portal gate. Through this temporary gateway, the channelers can go where they want, and are not limited by distances. And although deep knowledge of the target location is important, it is not necessarily a requirement that it was previously.

Because of this, it is technically possible for Rand to visit Tear and go on a long journey in the Eel Waste all in one season. Normally, this would seem unfeasible, especially since season 2 clearly sets up going to the Aiel Waste immediately. Its end game in The Shadow Rising (Rhudiean) would take him even further away from Tear, but the show can get around that with traveling. If Rand travels, he can instantly wind up in the Rock of Tears, allowing the books to have the climactic finales of both books together in season 3.

Why Rand can learn to travel in Wheel of Time Season 3

Rand learning traveling soon makes perfect sense, based on the story

Reinforce the idea that the show could use traveling to fix the show Dragon Reborn The problem is the timing and the characters that are likely on the horizon. In book 5, The fires of heavenTraveling comes into play in a big way when Aviendha accidentally travels with Rand in the middle of their adventure. Since this is an extension of an adventure the two have been on ever since The Shadow RisingIt's not implausible that the books move this event up, let it happen in season 3. Aviendha's use of traveling is an important step towards the power officially joining Rand's arsenal.

Asmodean is the only viable choice for this role for multiple reasons; He is old enough to know how to travel, he is a male channeler and is therefore able to teach Rand the weave, and he is the only male Forsaken who would even have a motive to help Rand.

Also integral to Rand's learning of traveling is his alliance with Asmodean, one of the 13 Forsaken in The Wheel of Time Books. It should not be forgotten that since traveling has not been studied for thousands of years, Rand does not have many options when it comes to learning it. Asmodean is the only viable choice for this role for multiple reasons; He is old enough to know how to travel, he is a male channeler and is therefore able to teach Rand the weave, and he is the only male Forsaken who would even have a motive to help Rand.

After Asmodean's defeat, the character is forced to teach Rand how to make better use of the One Power. Among the things Rand learns from Asmodean is how traveling works. As it stands, there is no official confirmation that he has a role in the show, but there has been a hint to Asmodean's presence, making him an expected inclusion. And since he is the ultimate enemy for Rand to fight in The Shadow RisingHe is the most logical candidate for the character's main season 3 villain.

If Rand and Asmodean's showdown happens before the season's conclusion, the series would have a chance to send Rand to the Stone of Tear in the season 3 finale. If he gets Asmodean to be his teacher,​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Set the stage for Rand to travel to Tear for the final battle.

Wheel of Time already teased traveling in season 2

Has Lanfear used traveling yet?

Lanfear looks nervous in The Wheel of Time Season 2 Episode 8

By the looks of things, the show already has the building blocks for traveling to be officially introduced The Wheel of Time. actually, It means that it is already used by one of the characters (twice). In the last episode of season 2, Mat woke up Falme with Lanfear, despite being in Cairhien before. Later, after Lan and Moiraine were taken care of by a waygate, Lanphear disappeared with Rand, showing that traveling - and not a waygate - was used to bring Rand to Palme.

with The Wheel of Time It's not hard to imagine that the whole point of this was to set it up for season 3. If that's the case, it could be vital to the next chapter with Rand. Gaining access to the Weave and using it fulfills a major part of the Dragon Reborn prophecy. If that happens, the Wheel of Time can move on to the next book in the sequence without Callandor feeling like it's been left behind.