1 Moment In The Legend Of Vox Machina The Season 3 Finale Is Still Driving Me Crazy

1 Moment In The Legend Of Vox Machina The Season 3 Finale Is Still Driving Me Crazy

It's been a month and there's still a moment when The Legend of Vox Machina season 3 finale that makes me angry every time I think about it. This season was a big test for the group, with the Legend of Vox Machina season three ended with the team defeating not one, but four separate villains: Thordak, Raishan, Ripley, and Orthax. There are two dragons from Chroma Conclave, a crazy evil scientist and a shadow demon – not bad for a group that was so discordant at the beginning that they couldn't even win a drunken bar fight. Furthermore, there were great losses and some romances cemented between The Legend of Vox Machinacharacters; season three certainly packed a lot into its 12 episodes.

Vox Machina really grew in individual ways into the critically acclaimed Legend of Vox Machina Season 3, and together, and their bonds have become deeper and more resolute. Although they were tested all season, including half of Whitestone being wiped out in an attack by Thordak's brood, it was Percy's shocking death and eventual resurrection that finally cemented the deep love and mutual respect that the previously dysfunctional and selfish group has. . cultivated in the last three seasons. This hard-won love That's why I'm so furious that a party member apparently hasn't learned anything.

That was a really insensitive thing to say to friends

The moment that still irritates me is something Scanlan said at the conclusion of the finale, when Vox Machina and his allies are celebrating in Scanlan's castle. Scanlan informs them that he is leaving the team and traveling with his newfound daughter, Kaylie. Understandably, they protested, but his response was what really pissed me off. "You are like family to me. But now I have a real family", he says. It wasn't so much the moment as the delivery that upset me.

I know it's Scanlan's responsibility to say the wrong thing at the wrong time, but I thought that was a really thoughtless thing to say to his teammates who fought with him, saved his life and they literally died for each other. They may not be blood, but they are certainly closer to him than the daughter he just discovered exists. Don't get me wrong, Kaylie is great and I'm happy that Scanlan is forming a relationship with her. But Vox Machina is not as a family; they are your family, your “real” family in every way but DNA. Even by Scanlan's standards, it was a truly insensitive thing to say, almost cruel, though unintentional.

Legend Of Vox Machina Season 4 Will Show Scanlan How Much He Needs His Found Family

Scanlan still has a lot of growing to do

Scanlan's comment showed how much growth he still needs to make. For three seasons, he has been searching for something that he cannot articulate, but that is clear to anyone who watches: self-esteem. For a while, he tried to find it in Vox Machina, and while his new relationship with Kaylie shows his growth in some areas, it also shows that he's still searching for external fulfillment. His casual dismissal of Vox Machina seemed less like a man who perfectly understood what he was saying and more like a man saying to himself, "This time, this new person I found will finally heal me." Scanlan may have grown up, but he hasn't yet realized that the only one who can cure him is himself. No one will give him that, not even his daughter.

Scanlan may have grown up, but he hasn't yet realized that the only one who can cure him is himself.

Still, I think The Legend of Vox Machina Season 4 will also show how much he needs the rest of his team. He may not realize it now, but they are his family, and I don't think he'll have as much fun without them as he thinks he will. While their breakup at the end of Season 3 is sad, they will inevitably get back together. The Legend of Vox Machina season 4. It may not happen in the first few episodes, but once the threat of the Whispered One becomes known in Whitestone, Vox Machina will certainly be called back into service with the people of Exandria. I just hope Scanlan has a new appreciation for his found family when they arrive.